Pastor Juan Pablo Cardenas is from the Alto Magdalena Association of the Adventist Church in Colombia. He is the executive secretary of this association, based in Bogotá. He holds his office at the Palermo Adventist Church in Bogotá.

He has traveled across borders to come to the Latino Community of San Jose to bring an uplifting message to all those who thirst for peace and rest! God is in control! This is a promise from Heaven. Come and join us September 14-September 18! Tell your family and friends the good news!

RSVP ¡Ahora! Gratis:
Te invitamos a una transformadora campaña evangelistica para nuestra comunidad latina.

14 de Septiembre
Sábado Programa
11:30AM & 3:30PM
" Dios esta al control de tu Vida "
" ⁠En las crisis financieras "
Almuerzo 1:00PM
Española e Ingles
Almuerzo gratis

15 de Septiembre al 18 de Septiembre
Domingo - Miércoles
" Cuando todo se ve perdido "
" Cuando debes asumir retos "
" ⁠Solo ora el obrará "
" Ante la enfermedad"

Española e Ingles
Refrescos gratis

Consejería espiritual gratuita disponible con cita previa**.

Cambrian Park SDA Church
5265 Carter Ave, San Jose, CA 95118

Spanish Text or Mobile: +1408-759-5951
English Text or Mobile: +1 650-381-9441
Church Office: +1 408-266-1144

RSVP Now Free! :
We invite you to a life-changing evangelistic campaign for our Latino community.

September 14 Saturday Program
11:30AM & 3:30PM
" God is in control of your life"
" In financial crises "

Lunch 1:00PM
Spanish & English
Free Lunch

September 15 - September 18
Sunday - Wednesday
" When everything seems lost "
" When you must take on challenges "
" Just pray and he will work "
" In the face of illness "

Spanish & English
Free Refreshments

Spiritual counseling available free of charge by appointment**.

Cambrian Park SDA Church
5265 Carter Ave, San Jose, CA 95118

Spanish Text or Mobile: +1408-759-5951
English Text or Mobile: +1 650-381-9441
Church Office: +1 408-266-1144