Our mission is to spread the love of Jesus and bring true hope to the hopeless.

“to visit orphans and widows in their affliction,
and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”
James 1:27


Every Sabbath, we gather to worship our Heavenly Father, the Creator of the universe. This day is special. It was instituted since the world we live in existed. A whole seventh part of the Creation week! God created the world, made everything with you and I in mind. Adam and Eve had everything they needed in perfect beauty. Then God molded them with His own hands, and breathed the breath of life into their nostrils. The very next day, He took time off to be with them. And we continue to take this time off and gather to commune with the One who loves us the most through eternity.

Our Ministries

Prayer Ministry: In-person & Phone

Our prayers move the arm of Omnipotence. That God is willing and ready to hear and to respond to our heartfelt prayers under all circumstances is profoundly reassuring. He is a loving Father who is interested both when things are going well and when the vicissitudes of life deal us devastating, tough, and terrible blows. When we feel like crying out, “God, where are You?” It is good to know that He is just a prayer away.

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Revive Ministries: Health & Gospel

Health | Revive Health Education

Bible health treasures start from the very book of Genesis. Our ministry helps reveal God as our Creator, who is God our Healer, through an unaltered whole food approach, the way God made for us, to experience His love. We train the layman to be Christ’s Health Missionaries to the community, friends, and family utilizing simple remedies and simple foods. We learn our purpose, as it was Christ’s, when He walked this earth, to heal and revive the whole person. We teach simple therapeutic remedies and simple therapeutic foods accessible to all.

Revive Chefs: Nutrition that Heals, monthly

Revive Active: Exercise that Energizes, monthly

Revive Prayer: Meditation that gives Peace, weekly

Revive Garden: Sustainable Living, weekly

Gospel | Bible Studies by Revive

Through Bible Studies by Revive, anyone who wishes to know more about Jesus and delve into Scripture can book a study with one of the Revive Bible Teachers. The sessions are held through ZOOM to make it more accessible to those who cannot meet in-person.

Children’s Ministry: Sabbath School & Adventurers

Children’s Sabbath School

Our children are the precious next generation of God’s servants who will continue to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world. Children’s Sabbath School are taught by the parents of the children in rotation. We have three classes for Ages 0-5, 5-10 and 10+.

The children who are with parents that love and fear God are in every way much better situated to learn of the Great Teacher, who is the source and fountain of wisdom. They have a much more favorable opportunity to gain a fitness for the kingdom of heaven.

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Adventurers is a fun, Christian, activity-based program for children that is family-friendly and designed to strengthen parent-child relationships for kids ages 4-9 in providing Bible-based learning and new skills for children.

So we should teach. Let the children learn to see in nature an expression of the love and the wisdom of God; let the thought of Him be linked with bird and flower and tree; let all things seen become to them the interpreters of the unseen, and all the events of life be a means of divine teaching.

Women’s Ministry

In Scripture, the ladies had crucial roles in saving from doom an entire nation (Esther), an entire household (Abigail), and being the first to meet Jesus who had just risen from the dead (Mary’s). And then there is Dorcas (also known as Tabitha) with her sewing skills served God. She always did good to help others, especially the poor. Our ministry is to empower the ladies in the church to serve and stand for Christ with the various talents God has entrusted them with.

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KRIS Foundation: Orphanage Ministry

KRIS headquarters is based here in the US while our work of building unique home-style orphanages carries on in the land of the Philippines. We adopt the children into our homes with house-parents in small numbers only. We raise them as our own and teach practical skills and support their school education needs. We built our homes to be sturdy with quality to house our children and it had even withstood the hurricanes which damaged other homes around our campus. We are grateful for God’s protection over these young ones.

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Last image shot at Aro Ha